The 4th Thailand-Peru joint Webinar on “Peruvian Experience in the Third Wave of Covid-19 and the Exchange of Experiences in Vaccination Management with Thailand”
The 4th Thailand-Peru joint Webinar on “Peruvian Experience in the Third Wave of Covid-19 and the Exchange of Experiences in Vaccination Management with Thailand”
วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 7 เม.ย. 2565
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 7 เม.ย. 2565
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Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Public Health and Peruvian Agency for International Cooperation (APCI) gladly invite you to the 4th Thailand-Peru joint Webinar on “Peruvian Experience in the Third Wave of Covid-19 and the Exchange of Experiences in Vaccination Management with Thailand”