AITC 2018 Calendar

AITC 2018 Calendar

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 8 Nov 2017

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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Program for Annual International Training Course (AITC) 2018


No Course  Training Institution Theme Topics Start End Closing Date for Nomination
(Priority for FEALAC Member Countries)
Royal Forest Department, Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources SDGs Sustainable tourism 19 February  13 March 5 January
(Priority for CICA Member Countries)
Burapha University SEP Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in Case Studies 5 March  16 March  31 January
3 Sexually Transmitted Infections Case Management Skills
Department of Disease Control,
Ministry of Public Health
Public Health Management of Sexually Transmitted Infections  5 March 16 March 31 January
4 Tropical Medicine, Community Health Care and Research  Khon Kaen University Public Health Community Health Management 5 March  1 April 31 January
5 Towards Low Carbon Society via Holistic Environmental Engineering Approach Chiang Mai University Climate Change Waste Management/ Biogas/ Biomass 12 March   23 March   31 January
6 Global Warming Mitigation and Adaption by Balancing Sustainable Energy Management Prince of Songkla University Climate Change Sustainable Energy Management/ Alternative Energy 14 March   30 March   31 January
7 Mahidol University Climate Change  Industrial Environmental Management 7 May 25 May 28 February
8 Management of Antiretroviral Treatment and Long-Term Adherence to ART Department of Disease Control, Ministry of Public Health Public Health Management of Antiretroviral Treatment 7 May 18 May 28 February
9 “Train the Trainer: Food Safety Management” 
(For CLMV) 
National Food Institute, Ministry of Industry Food Security Food Safety Management 21 May 15 June 28 February

Strengthening Health System: The Key Contributing to achieve Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

(Priority for CICA Member Countries)

Mahidol University  Public Health Health Reform - SDGs 28 May 22 June 16 March
11 Food Security – Postharvest, Processing and Quality Assurance of Selected Agro-Industrial Products Kasetsart University Food Security Postharvest Management 29 May   27 June  16 March

Postharvest Technology and Management for Reducing Loses of Agricultural Commodities

(For CLMV) 

King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi  Food Security Postharvest Management 4 June 17 June 16 March
13 Health Promotion and Health Care Management for Preschool Children Prince of Songkla University Public Health Health Management in Preschool Children 4 June  29 June  16 March
14 Toward a One Health Approach to Antimicrobial Resistance Chulalongkorn University Public Health One Health Concept, Antimicrobial Resistance    4 June 29 June 16 March
(Priority for ACD Member Countries)
Kasetsart University SEP Economic Development / Poverty Reduction/ Practical Experiences in agriculture/ community/ business/ Monitoring and Evaluation tools for SEP Projects 4 June 6 July 16 March
(Priority for FEALAC Member Countries)
Naresuan University SEP Community Empowerment / Sustainable Development 11 June   29 June   16 March
17 Sustainable  Animal Production and resource Management for Sustainable Agriculture and Food Safety Khon Kaen University Food Security Sustainable Animal Production 18 June   13 July  16 March
Mahidol University Climate Change Natural Disasters Management 18 June   6 July 16 March
19 Modern Technology for Sustainable Agricultural Systems (MoTSAS) Naresuan University Climate Change Adaptation in Agricultural Sector 19 June   5 July   16 March
(Priority for ACMECS Member Countries)
Community Development Department, Ministry of Interior SEP Community Empowerment/ grassroot economy 1 July 15 July 20 April
21 Community Health Volunteers as Agents of Health Promotion of Health Promotion and Disease Prevention: How to Strengthen Their Abilities Chaing Mai University Public Health Community Empowerment 2 July 20 July 20 April
(Priority for OSCE Member Countries)
Puey Ungphakorn School of Development Studies, Thammasart University  SEP Community Welfare Fund 9 July  21 July  20 April
23 Adapting to Climate Change: Facing the Consequence Mahidol University Climate Change Adaptation 9 July 27 July 20 April
(Priority for ACMECS Member Countries)
Chaing Mai University Food Security Diversified farming system in agro-eco system and management 16 July  4 August 20 April
(Priority for ACMECS and BIMSTEC Member Countries)
Mekong Institute Climate Change Green Logistics 20 August  31 August  29 June

Gender Equality and Women empowerment: Sharing Good Practices and Experiences of Thailand

(Priority for IORA Member Countries)

Mekong Institute SDGs Gender Equality 1 October 12 October 27 July
(Priority for CPS Member Countries)
Khon Kaen University SEP Agriculture/ Food security 8 October  2 November 27 July
(Priority for OSCE Member Countries)
National Institute of Development Administration Climate Change Clean Technology in Industry 25 October 15 November 27 July
Mae Jo University SEP Rural Development/ Community Empowerment 30 October 22 November  7 September
30 The Principle Concept and Practice of One Health for emerging Disease Management Mahidol University Public Health Emerging Diseases/ One Health Concept 19 November    14 December 5 October
Achieving Universal Health Coverage: lessons, challenges and future directions of Thailand for international application
National Health Security Office Public Health Universal Health Coverage (TBC) (TBC)