The Annual International Training Courses (AITC)

The Annual International Training Courses (AITC)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 1 Nov 2012

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 27 Nov 2022

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With the realization of the important role played by the human resources in the development of the country, the Royal Thai Government is determined to cooperate with other developing countries in human resources development. This is to be achieved by Thailand extending its expertise and experiences to other countries through the so-called “South – South Cooperation” activities.  Thailand International Development Cooperation Agency (TICA) as a prime agency, has developed a wide range of training programmes under the Annual International Training Courses (AITC), one of the main modalities of the Thai International Cooperation Programme (TICP).  The AITC is organized annually, with fellowships awarded by the Royal Thai Government to participants from more than 50 countries, including Thailand’s neighboring countries, and other countries in Asian region, Pacific, Africa, OAS Member States, FEALAC and CARICOM Member States. 

AITC is also implemented through trilateral cooperation programme. The activities are organized jointly with other donor countries or international organizations such as the Thai–Japanese Third Country Training Programme, the Thai-United Nations Children’s Fund TCDC Cooperation Programme, and the Thai-United Nations Fund for Population Activities in order to provide development cooperation to third countries.