ASEAN-IAI ( ASEAN-Initiative for ASEAN Integration)

ASEAN-IAI ( ASEAN-Initiative for ASEAN Integration)

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 4 Nov 2013

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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ASEAN-IAI ( ASEAN-Initiative for ASEAN Integration)

The purpose of cooperation framework is to provide the ASEAN member countries; Lao PDR. Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar and Vietnam to improve the level of economic development. and to increase competitiveness and  reduce the development gap among  ASEAN countries by  providing assistance to the development of a focal in the field. Infrastructure Development, HRD, Information and Communication Technology and Regional Economic Integration Thailand has been designated as Chairman. (Co-Shepherd) to coordinate transportation assistance. For technical cooperation has focused on the development of human resources in various fields related to the year. Since 2011 Thailand has provided assistance in the framework of ASEAN-IAI, worth 0.66 million baht