Director General of TICA delivered an opening remark at the Opening Ceremony of the Short-Term Seminar and Training Course for Judges, Assistant Judges,Registrars,and Public Prosecutors of the Lao PDR

Director General of TICA delivered an opening remark at the Opening Ceremony of the Short-Term Seminar and Training Course for Judges, Assistant Judges,Registrars,and Public Prosecutors of the Lao PDR

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 15 Jun 2023

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 15 Jun 2023

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      On 12 June 2023, Mrs. Ureerat Chareontoh, Director – General of Thailand International Cooperation Agency (TICA), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, delivered an opening remark at the Opening Ceremony of the Short-Term Seminar and Training Course for Judges, Assistant Judges, Registrars, and Public Prosecutors of the Lao PDR under the Development Cooperation Project on the Establishment of the Administrative Court Chamber in the People's Supreme Court of Lao PDR, of which is being held between 11 – 17 June 2023 at the Supreme Administrative Court, Bangkok and the Rayong Administrative Court, Rayong Province. At the opening ceremony, Mr. Suchart Mongkollertlop, Vice President of the Supreme Administrative Court attended the opening ceremony and delivered the welcoming remarks to all participants.

     On this occasion, the Director – General congratulated Lao PDR over its success on establishing the Administrative Court Chamber in the People’s Supreme Court of Lao PDR and stressed that this technical cooperation project is important to both governments of Thailand and Lao PDR as it has further demonstrated how close and deeply rooted the relationship between both countries truly are and will be.

     The Thai side has been actively supporting Lao PDR for the development of the Administrative Court Chamber in the People’s Supreme Court of Lao PDR, which was successfully established in the span of eight years. This successful establishment of the Administrative Court Chamber represented an important milestone for Lao PDR as it would have a positive impact to its peoples.  

     The mentioned short – term training course is the last activity under the Establishment of the Administrative Court Chamber Project in the People's Supreme Court of Lao PDR, being organized by the Office of the Administrative Courts with an aim of enhancing the readiness of the People's Supreme Court of Lao PDR at the Administrative Court Chamber upon its opening. The training covers a wide range of topics from practical trainings to observation at both central and provincial Administrative Court which would also allow both sides to continue exchange information, knowledge, and experiences in the future.

     In addition, the Director – General highlighted the ambitions of both sides to successfully implement this project over the past eight years. As a result, the Decree of the President of the Lao People’s Democratic Republic on the Administrative Court Procedure has been put into force today, which allows Lao PDR to officially establish the Administrative Court Chamber. This success is the catalyst to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals for Thailand and Lao PDR and further promotes human rights on accessing to the justice system in the future.  

