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Thailand as Donor: 2018 ODA Overview (Through TICA)

            In 2018 TICA has given 499.10 million baht worth of ODA to countries around the world.  Top 5 categories of development cooperation and their respective value are:

            1. Bilateral cooperation programs 345.11 million baht

            2. Annual International Training Courses (AITC) 90.86 million baht

            3. Thailand International Postgraduate Program (TIPP) 28.87 million baht

            4. Trilateral cooperation 22.05 million baht

            5. Cooperation under sub-regional and regional framework 10.51 million baht


            In 2018, TICA has undertaken 79 development cooperation projects in 15 countries in 4 regions of the world with the total value of 345.11 million baht

            In 2018, top 5 fields of cooperation of development cooperation projects through TICA and their respective value are:

            1. Education 127.42 million baht

            2. Public health 105.44 million baht

            3. Agriculture 56.41 million baht

            4. Social development and welfare 38.26 million baht

            5. Natural resources and environment 32.26 million baht


            In 2018, TOP 5 countries/regional grouping of development cooperation projects through TICA and their respective value are:

            1. Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam 270.66 million baht

            2. South Asia and Middle East (Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal) 82.72 million baht

            3. Africa (Mozambique, Lesotho, Benin, Kenya) 59.79 million baht

            4. Other countries 26.39 million baht

            5. Latin America (Fiji, Argentina, Chile, Peru, Colombia, Mexico) 19.11 million baht


            Besides bilateral development cooperation, Thailand also contributes to sub-regional and regional development cooperation i.e. ASEAN, Ayeyawady-Chao Phraya-Mekong Economic Cooperation Strategy (ACMECS), Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), Indonesia-Malaysia-Thailand Growth Triangle (IMT-GT), Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA), Forum of East Asia-Latin America Cooperation (FEALAC) and other multilateral cooperation under the UN.

            Top 5 countries of bilateral development cooperation and their respective value are:

            1. Cambodia 131.9 million baht

            2. Laos PDR 65.7 million baht

            3. Myanmar 59.3 million baht

            4. Bhutan 52.4 million baht

            5. Vietnam 13.8 million baht


            In 2018, TICA contributed 32.87 million baht (6.79% of Thailand’s overall ODA) to international organizations.  Top 3 international organizations which received contribution from Thailand and their respective value in 2018 are:

            1. UNDP 15.46 million baht

            2. Fulbright 15 million baht        

            3. IAEA 0.99 million baht


            Trilateral cooperation: Trilateral cooperation is a type of cooperation where Thailand and a developed country/developing country with similar level of development/international organizations undertake development project in a third country.  Forms of development cooperation can be in cash or in kind (through sending experts.)  In 2018, Thailand has signed MoU with 15 countries for trilateral cooperation, namely Singapore, Philippines, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Japan, US, Germany, France, Sweden, Luxemburg, Australia, Hungary, and South Korea.  Thailand also has 13 trilateral cooperation with 13 international organizations (8 projects and 298 scholarships/grants.)  Thailand is currently pursuing possibilities for trilateral cooperation without MoU with Luxemburg and Switzerland.


