วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 Oct 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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North-South-South Cooperation / Trilateral Cooperation

             Since 1994, TICA has been giving development aid in the form of trilateral cooperation or partnership for development, where TICA shared the cost of training/activities for developing countries with other development partners.  At the beginning, TICA joined Japan in sending Thai experts to third countries, and Joined Canada and UNDP in giving training course in Thailand for participants from neighboring countries.

             At present (2021), most of TICA’s trilateral cooperation activities is to give grants/scholarships to developing countries to be trained in Thailand in a form of Trilateral Program under TICP cooperation with Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), UNDP, UNICEF, UNFPA.  TICA is also pursuing trilateral program with the following countries/agencies

             1. Japan

             2. Germany

             3. South Korea

             4. Sweden

             5. Luxemburg

             6. UNFPA

             7. UNICEF

             8. Colombo Plan