วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 Oct 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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Friends from Thailand (FFT)

              TICA launched Friends from Thailand (FFT) initiative in 2003, by sending volunteers to recipient countries by demand as an extension to sending experts.  FFT targets people-to-people contact at the local level, with the aim to promote better understanding of Thailand through youth volunteers.  The length of stay is between 1-2 years and volunteers are between 21-40 years old with a vocational degree in fields that are in demand, i.e. nursing, public relations, agriculture, mechanics, electric technician, computer, education, Thai language instructor, social studies, and community management and development.  At present, there are 158 volunteers who have worked in 9 countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Vietnam, Myanmar, Bhutan, Timor-Leste, Benin, Mozambique and Lesotho.

              Steps for Friends from Thailand (FFT) volunteer program

              1. Survey demand for FFT volunteer

                1.1 Identify areas of experience for the volunteers, namely in areas that Thailand has expertise that will booster Thailand’s image in the recipient country, or areas of existing development cooperation project.

                1.2 Notify targeted recipient countries, namely countries that Thailand has diplomatic representation or countries that have existing development cooperation project, and countries that have relatively high security.

                1.3 Recipient countries send in their demand for volunteers, with specification on areas of expertise and length of stay for the volunteers.

                1.4 Preliminary volunteer selection by TICA.

              2. Preparation for volunteer selection

                2.1 TICA, with help from relevant agencies, will be the final agency that select the volunteers.

                2.2 Design training courses for the volunteers on (1) general knowledge for living cross-culture and (2) specific training by experts on areas that volunteers will be helping in the recipient countries

              3. Volunteer selection

                3.1 TICA designs application form, with emphasis on expectation for and from the volunteers. English proficiency test may be required.

                3.2 Announcement of Volunteer selection via TICA website.

                3.3 TICA establishes a committee to select volunteers.  After reviewing the applications, the committee interviews the candidates and announces the decision.  Selected volunteer registration and training before departure.

              4. Preparation before departure

                4.1 Thai Embassy/Consulate-General in recipient country or TICA  representative visit the site where volunteers will be working (in case of new project) to verify level of security for volunteers.

                4.2 Volunteers sign MoU with TICA.

                4.3 Volunteers undertake necessary preparation i.e. visa application and vaccinations.

                4.4 Orientation for volunteers.

              5. Start of program and reporting

                5.1 Representative from Thai Embassy/Consulate-General in recipient country or TICA accompany volunteers to their work site.

                5.2 Volunteers submit their work plan within the 1st month of arrival, and work report every 3 months.

                5.3 Regular contact with Representative from Thai Embassy/Consulate-General in recipient country or TICA.

              6. End of program

                6.1 If volunteers wish to extend their stay, they must inform TICA at least 2 months before the end of their initial program.

                6.2 If volunteers do not wish to extend their stay, they must report their departure to agencies they are working with in the recipient country, and with Thai Embassy/Consulate-General.  They must also report to TICA upon their return to Thailand

              7. Follow-up

                7.1 Volunteers join alumni group and contribute their experience into alumni database.

                7.2 Alumni volunteers meeting to exchange their experiences.

                7.3 Further training of alumni volunteers to become experts, or referral to private sector searching for people with experiences in recipient country.