วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 Oct 2020
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022
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Development Cooperation Projects
An all-inclusive project comprising technology transfer, equipment procurement, sending experts and volunteers, and may involve construction or refurbishment. Such projects are carried out in areas which Thailand has expertise i.e. agriculture, education, public health, tourism, and community development. Each project has the following steps:
- Initial evaluation of the proposal. Proposed project must be in accordance with government policies, strategy, and plans. They must also be in accordance with the recipient country’s government policies and must not be duplicate of other donor countries. Proposed projects must be submitted through the recipient government and by agencies which are directly responsible.
- Preliminary Needs Assessment / Fact Finding. A further study into the proposed project, site visit, assessment of situation at hand and looking into other possible, if any, similar projects.
- Draft logical framework and operation plan as preparation of groundwork, including activity and budget planning and identifying agencies in charge.
- Project operation and monitoring.
- Project steering committee meeting. This committee is the main engine for consultation and problem solving.
- Midterm review.
- Project handover and terminal evaluation after 3-year term or longer as agreed upon.