วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 Oct 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 28 Nov 2022

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Sending Experts

               There are 3 categories of experts that TICA sends to recipient countries upon their demand:

               (1.) Expert who has a vocational degree with at least 5 years working experience.  They will be working as advisor/trainer for technical works/construction supervisor/mechanics.

               (2.) Expert who has a university degree with at last 7 years working experience.  They will be working as researcher or academic advisor.

               (3.) Expert in a specific field with more than 20 years working experience.  They will be working on projects specified by TICA.


Scope of work for Thai experts in development cooperation projects

Mandate - Scope of work

Advisor to TICA - Help draft strategies and plans for the project / recommend persons or agencies to participate in specific activities / become part of the Project Steering Committee and help coordinate

Advisor to recipient country - Help design activities, advise, supervise, and coordinate / participate in activities / follow-up, assess and recommend steps to be taken

Teacher/Trainer - Assess learning program, plan and coordinate teaching program / teach or train / follow-up, assess and recommend steps to be taken

Assessor of the program - Plan assessment and follow-up / follow-up, assess and recommend steps to be taken

Coordinator - Coordinate activities