วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 Oct 2020
วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Nov 2022
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Indicators for SEP Model Community
- Encourage households to keep records of their income and spending (accounting/book keeping)
- Reduce spending and increase income
- Cooperation to develop major occupations in the community
- Various ways of savings
- Community enterprise
- Unity and cooperation among villagers
- Village regulation
- Establishment of welfare fund
- Adhering to democratic principle
- Moral and ethics code
- Non-violence
- Application of SEP in daily life
- Natural resource preservation
- Active natural conservation groups
- Utilization of alternative energy
- Adding value to natural resources and environment
- Keep community data
- Community plan
- Application of local knowledge
- Set up learning center
- Utilization of appropriate technology
- Building network for development
- Adhering to sustainability and self-reliance
Steps to receive SEP project funding
- Circulation of information and guidelines of concept paper and relevant forms
- Application submission
- Feasibility Review
- Preliminary needs assessment and site inspection
- Preparation of groundwork by establishing logical framework and operation plan
- Project Operation and Monitoring
- Project Steering Committee Meeting (PSC)
- Midterm Review
- Project handover and assessment after 3-year period or as agreed upon