วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 9 Oct 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 25 Nov 2022

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Indicators for SEP Model Community


  1. Encourage households to keep records of their income and spending (accounting/book keeping)
  2. Reduce spending and increase income
  3. Cooperation to develop major occupations in the community
  4. Various ways of savings
  5. Community enterprise


  1. Unity and cooperation among villagers
  2. Village regulation
  3. Establishment of welfare fund
  4. Adhering to democratic principle
  5. Moral and ethics code
  6. Non-violence
  7. Application of SEP in daily life


  1. Natural resource preservation
  2. Active natural conservation groups
  3. Utilization of alternative energy
  4. Adding value to natural resources and environment


  1. Keep community data
  2. Community plan
  3. Application of local knowledge
  4. Set up learning center
  5. Utilization of appropriate technology
  6. Building network for development
  7. Adhering to sustainability and self-reliance

Steps to receive SEP project funding

  1. Circulation of information and guidelines of concept paper and relevant forms
  2. Application submission
  3. Feasibility Review
  4. Preliminary needs assessment and site inspection
  5. Preparation of groundwork by establishing logical framework and operation plan
  6. Project Operation and Monitoring
  7. Project Steering Committee Meeting (PSC)
  8. Midterm Review
  9. Project handover and assessment after 3-year period or as agreed upon

